2020 Secondary Individual Event

2020 Secondary Individual Event

Our 2020 Toowoomba District Secondary School Individual Chess Championship was held on the weekend.

Our new venue was fantastic and allowed us to space out the tables nicely for safe playing. 

Students played 6 rounds over 2 afternoons.

Our Venue

We’d like to thank the Centenary Heights State High School for allowing us to utilise their Assembly Hall to hold our event. It was greatly appreciated.


A big shout out as well to Leroy Palmer Consulting Engineers for sponsoring our trophies for this event.

We’d also like to thank all our volunteers and organisers including Les Lord, Sam Buckley, Ross Mills, Zachary Pomerenke, Ben Peach, David Love, Anna Jones and Aashansa Seneviratne and everyone else who helped with setup and pull down that made this event possible.

Our Winners

To view the final standings for the competition you can visit the school tournaments results page here.

2020 Secondary Teams Event

2020 Secondary Teams Event

Today ended a fantastic 2 day chess tournament for our secondary school teams for this year.

This has been our first tournament since Covid-19 stopped us dead in our tracks. Numbers were down a little from last year but it was still a great success.

Teams played 5 rounds over 2 afternoons in both Junior and Open Divisions.

Our Venue

We’d like to thank the Toowoomba Anglican School for allowing us to utilise their Milennium Centre to hold our event. It was greatly appreciated.


A big shout out as well to Leroy Palmer Consulting Engineers for sponsoring our trophies for this event.

 We’d also like to thank all our volunteers and organisers including Les Lord, Sam Buckley, Ross Mills, Zachary Pomerenke, Ben Peach, Jane Sippel and everyone else who helped with setup and pull down that made this event possible.

Open Division Winners

Toowoomba Grammar School Open Team 1

Junior Division Winners

Toowoomba Grammar School Junior Team 1

Oustanding Junior Team Winners

Highlands Junior Team 1

The two Toowoomba Grammar teams will be representing our region in the Secondary School Teams State Finals in Brisbane in October later this year.

To view the final standings for the competition you can visit the school tournaments results page here.

2019 Toowoomba District Primary School Teams Chess Championship

2019 Toowoomba District Primary School Teams Chess Championship

27 August 2019

Toowoomba Christian College, Highfields

Thank You For Participating!

See results below.

Results for Open Division


No Name                       Result   Name                      

 1  St Marys College  1       0.0:4.0   TGS  1                   
 2  TAS  1                    3.0:1.0   TGS  2                   
 3  Homeschoolers  1          1.0:3.0   Toowoomba East SS  1     
 4  TCC  1                    3.0:1.0   CLC Hume St  1           
 5  Ramsay SS  1              2.0:2.0   Mater Dei  1             
 6  St Marys College  2       1.5:2.5   TGS  4                   
 7  St Saviours  1            2.0:2.0   Rangeville SS  1         
 8  Glennie School Junior  1  2.5:1.5   Fairholme College  3     
 9  Middle Ridge SS  1        2.5:1.5   Highfields SS  3         
10  Withcott SS  1            1.0:3.0   Wilsonton SS  1          
11  Highfields SS  4          1.0:3.0   Highfields SS  1         
12  Middle Ridge SS  2        3.5:.5    TAS  2                   
13  TGS  3                    2.0:2.0   HCC  2                   
14  Rangeville SS  2          1.0:3.0   Glenvale Christian School
15  CLC Warwick St  1         2.0:2.0   Glenvale SS  3           
16  Helidon SS  1             2.0:2.0   Toowoomba East SS  3     
17  Middle Ridge SS  4        2.0:2.0   Fairholme College  2     
18  Highfields SS  2          0.0:4.0   HCC  1                   
19  Glenvale SS  1            2.5:1.5   Mater Dei  2             
20  Withcott SS  2            2.0:2.0   Rangeville SS  3         
21  Vale View SS  2           2.0:2.0   Toowoomba East SS  2     
22  Fairholme College  1      2.0:2.0   TGS  5                   
23  Harristown SS  1          2.5:1.5   Wilsonton SS  2          
24  Glennie School Junior  2  1.5:2.5   MMCC  1                  
25  TGS  7                    2.0:2.0   TGS  6                   
26  TCC  2                    2.0:2.0   Rangeville SS  4         
27  Glenvale SS  4            2.0:2.0   Ramsay SS  2             
28  Highfields SS  5          2.0:2.0   Ramsay SS  4             
29  TCC  3                    1.5:2.5   TCC  5                   
30  Glenvale SS  2            3.0:1.0   Our Lady of Lourdes  1   
31  Vale View SS  1            .5:3.5   Glennie School Junior  3 
32  Kingsthorpe SS  1         2.0:2.0   Middle Ridge SS  3       
33  Highfields SS  6          2.5:1.5   MMCC  2                  
34  Ramsay SS  3              1.5:2.5   CLC Hume St  2           
35  Vale View SS  3           2.0:2.0   TGS  9                   
36  Mater Dei  3              1.0:3.0   Wilsonton SS  3          
37  St Saviours  2            3.0:1.0   Fairview Heights  1      
38  Vale View SS  4           4.0:0.0   Fairholme College  4     
39  Wilsonton SS  4           1.0:3.0   TGS  8                   
40  TCC  4                    1.5:2.5   Fairholme College  5     


Place Name                        Feder Rtg Score

  1   TGS  1,                               24   
  2   TAS  1,                               23   
  3   Toowoomba East SS  1,                 20   
  4   TCC  1,                               19   
  5   St Marys College  1,                  18.5 
  6   TGS  4,                               18   
7-12  Ramsay SS  1,                         17.5 
      Middle Ridge SS  1,                   17.5 
      Glennie School Junior  1,             17.5 
      Middle Ridge SS  2,                   17.5 
      Mater Dei  1,                         17.5 
      Wilsonton SS  1,                      17.5 
13-18 TGS  2,                               17   
      Highfields SS  1,                     17   
      Homeschoolers  1,                     17   
      Rangeville SS  1,                     17   
      St Saviours  1,                       17   
      St Marys College  2,                  17   
19-21 CLC Hume St  1,                       16.5 
      Glenvale Christian School,            16.5 
      HCC  1,                               16.5 
22-23 Highfields SS  3,                     16   
      Fairholme College  3,                 16   
24-26 Withcott SS  1,                       15.5 
      HCC  2,                               15.5 
      TGS  3,                               15.5 
27-30 Glenvale SS  3,                       15   
      CLC Warwick St  1,                    15   
      Toowoomba East SS  3,                 15   
      Highfields SS  4,                     15   
31-35 Glenvale SS  1,                       14.5 
      Fairholme College  2,                 14.5 
      Rangeville SS  2,                     14.5 
      Middle Ridge SS  4,                   14.5 
      Helidon SS  1,                        14.5 
36-42 TAS  2,                               14   
      Rangeville SS  3,                     14   
      Vale View SS  2,                      14   
      MMCC  1,                              14   
      Harristown SS  1,                     14   
      Withcott SS  2,                       14   
      Toowoomba East SS  2,                 14   
43-46 Fairholme College  1,                 13.5 
      TGS  5,                               13.5 
      Mater Dei  2,                         13.5 
      Glennie School Junior  3,             13.5 
47-54 Wilsonton SS  2,                      13   
      Glennie School Junior  2,             13   
      Glenvale SS  2,                       13   
      TGS  6,                               13   
      TGS  7,                               13   
      TCC  2,                               13   
      Rangeville SS  4,                     13   
      TCC  5,                               13   
55-59 Highfields SS  2,                     12.5 
      Ramsay SS  2,                         12.5 
      Highfields SS  5,                     12.5 
      Glenvale SS  4,                       12.5 
      Ramsay SS  4,                         12.5 
60-62 Highfields SS  6,                     12   
      CLC Hume St  2,                       12   
      Middle Ridge SS  3,                   12   
63-65 TCC  3,                               11.5 
      Kingsthorpe SS  1,                    11.5 
      Vale View SS  4,                      11.5 
66-70 Wilsonton SS  3,                      11   
      Ramsay SS  3,                         11   
      Our Lady of Lourdes  1,               11   
      St Saviours  2,                       11   
      MMCC  2,                              11   
71-73 TGS  9,                               10.5 
      Vale View SS  1,                      10.5 
      Vale View SS  3,                      10.5 
 74   TGS  8,                               10   
 75   Mater Dei  3,                         9.5  
 76   Fairview Heights  1,                  9    
 77   TCC  4,                               8.5  
 78   Fairholme College  4,                 7.5  
79-80 Wilsonton SS  4,                      7    
      Fairholme College  5,                 7    
 81   MMCC  3,                              4    

Cross Table

No Name                        Feder Rtg  1      2      3      4      5      6      7    

1  TGS  1,                               54:4.0 32:3.0 14:3.0 19:3.0 13:4.0  2:3.0  5:4.0
2  TAS  1,                               20:4.0 77:4.0  7:4.0  5:3.5  3:3.5  1:1.0 13:3.0
3  Toowoomba East SS  1,                 37:4.0 17:3.0 63:4.0 13:2.5  2:.5  24:3.0 15:3.0
4  TCC  1,                               50:4.0 71:3.0  5:0.0 27:3.0 45:3.0 10:3.0 19:3.0
5  St Marys College  1,                  25:3.0 24:4.0  4:4.0  2:.5   8:3.5  7:3.5  1:0.0
6  TGS  4,                               62:4.0  7:0.0 77:4.0 50:3.0 14:2.0 12:2.5 18:2.5
7  Ramsay SS  1,                         56:4.0  6:4.0  2:0.0 17:3.0 28:4.0  5:.5  11:2.0
8  Middle Ridge SS  1,                   16:2.0 78:4.0 10:2.5 11:3.0  5:.5  27:3.0 22:2.5
9  Glennie School Junior  1,             79:4.0 10:2.0 31:2.0 16:1.5 21:2.5 29:3.0 23:2.5
10 Middle Ridge SS  2,                   42:4.0  9:2.0  8:1.5 44:2.5 34:3.0  4:1.0 36:3.5
11 Mater Dei  1,                         74:3.0 58:3.5 15:2.0  8:1.0 22:2.0 43:4.0  7:2.0
12 Wilsonton SS  1,                      60:3.5 44:2.5 18:2.0 28:1.0 38:4.0  6:1.5 24:3.0
13 TGS  2,                               43:2.5 69:4.0 26:4.0  3:1.5  1:0.0 31:4.0  2:1.0
14 Highfields SS  1,                     22:3.5 23:3.5  1:1.0 31:3.0  6:2.0 15:1.0 30:3.0
15 Homeschoolers  1,                     61:3.0 47:3.0 11:2.0 45:2.0 25:3.0 14:3.0  3:1.0
16 Rangeville SS  1,                      8:2.0 36:3.0 64:3.0  9:2.5 24:1.5 55:3.0 17:2.0
17 St Saviours  1,                       80:4.0  3:1.0 32:3.0  7:1.0 36:2.0 56:4.0 16:2.0
18 St Marys College  2,                  52:3.0 35:3.0 12:2.0 43:1.5 47:4.0 19:2.0  6:1.5
19 CLC Hume St  1,                       49:4.0 26:2.5 55:3.0  1:1.0 43:3.0 18:2.0  4:1.0
20 Glenvale Christian School,             2:0.0 68:3.0 69:4.0 22:1.5 48:3.0 28:2.0 33:3.0
21 HCC  1,                               67:2.5 31:.5  49:4.0 48:2.5  9:1.5 36:1.5 55:4.0
22 Highfields SS  3,                     14:.5  59:4.0 29:2.5 20:2.5 11:2.0 32:3.0  8:1.5
23 Fairholme College  3,                 59:3.5 14:.5  33:1.5 53:3.0 44:2.0 54:4.0  9:1.5
24 Withcott SS  1,                       27:3.0  5:0.0 61:4.0 63:4.0 16:2.5  3:1.0 12:1.0
25 HCC  2,                                5:1.0 27:1.0 76:4.0 64:4.0 15:1.0 34:2.5 26:2.0
26 TGS  3,                               68:4.0 19:1.5 13:0.0 66:3.0 33:2.0 44:3.0 25:2.0
27 Glenvale SS  3,                       24:1.0 25:3.0 35:3.0  4:1.0 52:4.0  8:1.0 28:2.0
28 CLC Warwick St  1,                    53:3.5 48:2.5 45:2.0 12:3.0  7:0.0 20:2.0 27:2.0
29 Toowoomba East SS  3,                 40:2.5 39:2.0 22:1.5 30:2.0 57:4.0  9:1.0 35:2.0
30 Highfields SS  4,                     36:2.0 38:2.0 51:2.0 29:2.0 37:3.0 45:3.0 14:1.0
31 Glenvale SS  1,                       55:2.5 21:3.5  9:2.0 14:1.0 56:3.0 13:0.0 45:2.5
32 Fairholme College  2,                 57:4.0  1:1.0 17:1.0 51:2.0 58:3.5 22:1.0 34:2.0
33 Rangeville SS  2,                     34:1.0 75:3.0 23:2.5 55:2.0 26:2.0 51:3.0 20:1.0
34 Middle Ridge SS  4,                   33:3.0 63:0.0 46:3.0 71:4.0 10:1.0 25:1.5 32:2.0
35 Helidon SS  1,                        72:3.0 18:1.0 27:1.0 37:1.0 71:4.0 39:2.5 29:2.0
36 TAS  2,                               30:2.0 16:1.0 60:3.0 62:3.0 17:2.0 21:2.5 10:.5 
37 Rangeville SS  3,                      3:0.0 57:2.0 78:3.0 35:3.0 30:1.0 49:3.0 41:2.0
38 Vale View SS  2,                      45:2.0 30:2.0 47:1.0 60:4.0 12:0.0 63:3.0 42:2.0
39 MMCC  1,                              66:2.5 29:2.0 52:2.0 47:1.5 51:2.0 35:1.5 48:2.5
40 Harristown SS  1,                     29:1.5 43:.5  74:3.0 57:1.5 53:2.0 67:3.0 47:2.5
41 Withcott SS  2,                       44:.5  60:1.0 67:2.0 78:3.5 49:2.0 46:3.0 37:2.0
42 Toowoomba East SS  2,                 10:0.0 49:1.0 79:2.0 74:3.5 66:3.0 50:2.5 38:2.0
43 Fairholme College  1,                 13:1.5 40:3.5 71:3.0 18:2.5 19:1.0 11:0.0 44:2.0
44 TGS  5,                               41:3.5 12:1.5 48:2.0 10:1.5 23:2.0 26:1.0 43:2.0
45 Mater Dei  2,                         38:2.0 76:4.0 28:2.0 15:2.0  4:1.0 30:1.0 31:1.5
46 Glennie School Junior  3,             58:1.0 66:2.0 34:1.0 70:2.0 73:3.0 41:1.0 72:3.5
47 Wilsonton SS  2,                      70:3.0 15:1.0 38:3.0 39:2.5 18:0.0 48:2.0 40:1.5
48 Glennie School Junior  2,             73:3.5 28:1.5 44:2.0 21:1.5 20:1.0 47:2.0 39:1.5
49 Glenvale SS  2,                       19:0.0 42:3.0 21:0.0 65:4.0 41:2.0 37:1.0 68:3.0
50 TGS  6,                                4:0.0 80:4.0 58:3.5  6:1.0 55:1.0 42:1.5 51:2.0
51 TGS  7,                               69:1.0 74:3.0 30:2.0 32:2.0 39:2.0 33:1.0 50:2.0
52 TCC  2,                               18:1.0 72:3.5 39:2.0 56:1.0 27:0.0 66:3.5 53:2.0
53 Rangeville SS  4,                     28:.5  73:3.0 66:2.0 23:1.0 40:2.0 70:2.5 52:2.0
54 TCC  5,                                1:0.0 56:1.5 68:3.0 73:3.0 62:3.0 23:0.0 63:2.5
55 Highfields SS  2,                     31:1.5 67:4.0 19:1.0 33:2.0 50:3.0 16:1.0 21:0.0
56 Ramsay SS  2,                          7:0.0 54:2.5 65:4.0 52:3.0 31:1.0 17:0.0 58:2.0
57 Highfields SS  5,                     32:0.0 37:2.0 75:3.5 40:2.5 29:0.0 64:2.5 59:2.0
58 Glenvale SS  4,                       46:3.0 11:.5  50:.5  77:4.0 32:.5  59:2.0 56:2.0
59 Ramsay SS  4,                         23:.5  22:0.0 80:3.0 67:1.0 79:4.0 58:2.0 57:2.0
60 Highfields SS  6,                     12:.5  41:3.0 36:1.0 38:0.0 61:2.5 76:2.5 70:2.5
61 CLC Hume St  2,                       15:1.0 70:2.0 24:0.0 69:2.0 60:1.5 78:3.0 67:2.5
62 Middle Ridge SS  3,                    6:0.0 79:3.0 70:3.0 36:1.0 54:1.0 72:2.0 64:2.0
63 TCC  3,                               75:3.0 34:4.0  3:0.0 24:0.0 67:2.0 38:1.0 54:1.5
64 Kingsthorpe SS  1,                    78:2.0 65:3.0 16:1.0 25:0.0 70:2.0 57:1.5 62:2.0
65 Vale View SS  4,                      76:2.0 64:1.0 56:0.0 49:0.0 80:3.0 71:1.5 78:4.0
66 Wilsonton SS  3,                      39:1.5 46:2.0 53:2.0 26:1.0 42:1.0 52:.5  75:3.0
67 Ramsay SS  3,                         21:1.5 55:0.0 41:2.0 59:3.0 63:2.0 40:1.0 61:1.5
68 Our Lady of Lourdes  1,               26:0.0 20:1.0 54:1.0 80:3.5 72:1.5 69:3.0 49:1.0
69 St Saviours  2,                       51:3.0 13:0.0 20:0.0 61:2.0 75:2.0 68:1.0 76:3.0
70 MMCC  2,                              47:1.0 61:2.0 62:1.0 46:2.0 64:2.0 53:1.5 60:1.5
71 TGS  9,                                0:4.0  4:1.0 43:1.0 34:0.0 35:0.0 65:2.5 73:2.0
72 Vale View SS  1,                      35:1.0 52:.5  73:1.0 79:3.0 68:2.5 62:2.0 46:.5 
73 Vale View SS  3,                      48:.5  53:1.0 72:3.0 54:1.0 46:1.0 75:2.0 71:2.0
74 TGS  8,                               11:1.0 51:1.0 40:1.0 42:.5  78:1.0 77:2.5 79:3.0
75 Mater Dei  3,                         63:1.0 33:1.0 57:.5  76:2.0 69:2.0 73:2.0 66:1.0
76 Fairview Heights  1,                  65:2.0 45:0.0 25:0.0 75:2.0 77:2.5 60:1.5 69:1.0
77 TCC  4,                               81:+    2:0.0  6:0.0 58:0.0 76:1.5 74:1.5 80:1.5
78 Fairholme College  4,                 64:2.0  8:0.0 37:1.0 41:.5  74:3.0 61:1.0 65:0.0
79 Wilsonton SS  4,                       9:0.0 62:1.0 42:2.0 72:1.0 59:0.0 80:2.0 74:1.0
80 Fairholme College  5,                 17:0.0 50:0.0 59:1.0 68:.5  65:1.0 79:2.0 77:2.5
81 MMCC  3,                              77:-    0:4.0  0:     0:     0:     0:     0:   
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

Results for Novice Division


No Name                         Result   Name                       

 1 TGS  4 (Novice),             1.0:3.0  TAS  1 (Novice),           
 2 Rangeville SS  1 (Novice),    .5:3.5  HCC  2 (Novice),           
 3 TGS  1 (Novice),             3.0:1.0  Ramsay SS  1 (Novice),     
 4 TAS  2 (Novice),             3.0:1.0  Toowoomba East SS  1 (Nov, 
 5 St Saviours Primary  1 (N,   1.0:3.0  Glenvale SS  1 (Novice),   
 6 Rangeville SS  2 (Novice),   2.5:1.5  TCC  1 (Novice),           
 7 Fairholme College  1 (Nov,   3.0:1.0  TGS  3 (Novice),           
 8 Glen Aplin SS  1 (Novice),   3.0:1.0  TGS  2 (Novice),           
 9 Glenvale SS  2 (Novice),     1.0:3.0  Mater Dei  1 (Novice),     
10 Fairholme College  2 (Nov,   3.0:1.0  HCC  3 (Novice),           
11 HCC  1 (Novice),             3.0:1.0  Toowoomba East SS  2 (Nov, 
12 Fairview Heights SS  1 (N,   3.0:1.0  TAS  3 (Novice),           
13 Rangeville SS  3 (Novice),    .5:3.5  Glennie 1 (Novice),        
14 Wilsonton  SS  1 (Novice),   2.0:2.0  Toowoomba East SS  3 (Nov, 
15 TAS  5 (Novice),             2.5:1.5  TAS  6 (Novice),           
16 Glennie 2 (Novice),          1.5:2.5  TAS  4 (Novice),           
17 TCC  2 (Novice),             2.5:1.5  Withcott SS  2 (Novice),   
18 TAS  7 (Novice),             2.0:2.0  TAS  10 (Novice),          
19 TAS  8 (Novice),             1.0:3.0  Withcott SS  1 (Novice),   
20 TAS  9 (Novice),             3.0:1.0  Fairview Heights SS  2 (N, 


Place Name                       Score

 1-2   HCC  2 (Novice)           21.5 
       TAS  1 (Novice)           21.5 
  3    TGS  1 (Novice)           19.5 
 4-5   Glenvale SS  1 (Novice)   16.5 
       TAS  2 (Novice)           16.5 
  6    Ramsay SS  1 (Novice)     16   
7-11   Glen Aplin SS  1 (Novice) 15.5 
       Mater Dei  1 (Novice)     15.5 
       Rangeville SS  2 (Novice) 15.5 
       TGS  4 (Novice)           15.5 
       Fairholme College  1 (Nov 15.5 
12-13  Fairholme College  2 (Nov 15   
       Glennie 1 (Novice)        15   
14-18  Rangeville SS  1 (Novice) 14.5 
       HCC  1 (Novice)           14.5 
       TCC  1 (Novice)           14.5 
       Toowoomba East SS  1 (Nov 14.5 
       Fairview Heights SS  1 (N 14.5 
19-20  TGS  3 (Novice)           14   
       St Saviours Primary  1 (N 14   
21-23  TGS  2 (Novice)           13.5 
       Glenvale SS  2 (Novice)   13.5 
       TAS  5 (Novice)           13.5 
24-28  Toowoomba East SS  2 (Nov 13   
       TAS  4 (Novice)           13   
       HCC  3 (Novice)           13   
       Toowoomba East SS  3 (Nov 13   
       Wilsonton  SS  1 (Novice) 13   
29-30  TAS  3 (Novice)           12.5 
       TCC  2 (Novice)           12.5 
31-33  Glennie 2 (Novice)        12   
       TAS  6 (Novice)           12   
       Withcott SS  1 (Novice)   12   
34-37  TAS  7 (Novice)           11.5 
       Rangeville SS  3 (Novice) 11.5 
       TAS  10 (Novice)          11.5 
       Withcott SS  2 (Novice)   11.5 
 38    Fairview Heights SS  2 (N 10   
39-40  TAS  9 (Novice)           9    
       TAS  8 (Novice)           9    

Cross Table

No Name                        Feder Rtg  1      2      3      4      5      6      7    

1  HCC  2 (Novice),                      21:4.0  7:3.5  2:2.5  3:2.0  5:3.5  6:2.5 14:3.5
2  TAS  1 (Novice),                      25:3.5  6:3.0  1:1.5 15:4.0  3:2.5  9:4.0 10:3.0
3  TGS  1 (Novice),                      15:2.5 36:3.5  9:3.5  1:2.0  2:1.5  7:3.5  6:3.0
4  Glenvale SS  1 (Novice),              16:2.0 17:2.5  8:2.0 11:2.5 19:3.0 10:1.5 20:3.0
5  TAS  2 (Novice),                      33:3.0 22:2.5 19:2.5  6:2.5  1:.5  21:2.5 17:3.0
6  Ramsay SS  1 (Novice),                13:3.5  2:1.0 35:3.5  5:1.5 24:4.0  1:1.5  3:1.0
7  Glen Aplin SS  1 (Novice),            39:4.0  1:.5  14:2.0  8:2.0 25:3.5  3:.5  21:3.0
8  Mater Dei  1 (Novice),                10:3.0 19:1.5  4:2.0  7:2.0 11:2.0 12:2.0 22:3.0
9  Rangeville SS  2 (Novice),            17:2.0 40:4.0  3:.5  29:3.5 21:3.0  2:0.0 16:2.5
10 TGS  4 (Novice),                       8:1.0 20:3.0 29:2.0 27:3.5 16:2.5  4:2.5  2:1.0
11 Fairholme College  1 (Nov,            23:3.0 14:2.0 24:2.0  4:1.5  8:2.0 22:2.0 19:3.0
12 Fairholme College  2 (Nov,            32:2.5 27:3.0 16:2.0 21:1.5 14:1.0  8:2.0 26:3.0
13 Glennie 1 (Novice),                    6:.5  25:2.0 40:3.0 26:2.5 20:1.0 31:2.5 35:3.5
14 Rangeville SS  1 (Novice),            31:3.0 11:2.0  7:2.0 19:2.0 12:3.0 17:2.0  1:.5 
15 HCC  1 (Novice),                       3:1.5 32:3.0 22:3.0  2:0.0 26:2.0 18:2.0 24:3.0
16 TCC  1 (Novice),                       4:2.0 38:3.5 12:2.0 24:2.0 10:1.5 20:2.0  9:1.5
17 Toowoomba East SS  1 (Nov,             9:2.0  4:1.5 33:2.5 34:2.5 31:3.0 14:2.0  5:1.0
18 Fairview Heights SS  1 (N,            34:2.0 24:.5  23:2.5 28:2.0 36:2.5 15:2.0 29:3.0
19 TGS  3 (Novice),                      26:3.0  8:2.5  5:1.5 14:2.0  4:1.0 28:3.0 11:1.0
20 St Saviours Primary  1 (N,            27:1.0 10:1.0 39:3.0 32:3.0 13:3.0 16:2.0  4:1.0
21 TGS  2 (Novice),                       1:0.0 39:4.0 37:3.5 12:2.5  9:1.0  5:1.5  7:1.0
22 Glenvale SS  2 (Novice),              30:3.0  5:1.5 15:1.0 31:2.0 34:3.0 11:2.0  8:1.0
23 TAS  5 (Novice),                      11:1.0 31:1.5 18:1.5 35:2.5 29:2.0 37:2.5 32:2.5
24 Toowoomba East SS  2 (Nov,            35:2.0 18:3.5 11:2.0 16:2.0  6:0.0 25:2.5 15:1.0
25 TAS  4 (Novice),                       2:.5  13:2.0 30:2.5 33:3.5  7:.5  24:1.5 31:2.5
26 HCC  3 (Novice),                      19:1.0 28:2.0 36:2.5 13:1.5 15:2.0 34:3.0 12:1.0
27 Toowoomba East SS  3 (Nov,            20:3.0 12:1.0 34:2.0 10:.5  37:1.5 38:3.0 28:2.0
28 Wilsonton  SS  1 (Novice),            36:1.5 26:2.0 31:1.5 18:2.0 32:3.0 19:1.0 27:2.0
29 TAS  3 (Novice),                      37:2.0 34:2.0 10:2.0  9:.5  23:2.0 36:3.0 18:1.0
30 TCC  2 (Novice),                      22:1.0 33:1.5 25:1.5 38:1.5 40:2.0 39:2.5 37:2.5
31 Glennie 2 (Novice),                   14:1.0 23:2.5 28:2.5 22:2.0 17:1.0 13:1.5 25:1.5
32 TAS  6 (Novice),                      12:1.5 15:1.0 38:3.0 20:1.0 28:1.0 40:3.0 23:1.5
33 Withcott SS  1 (Novice),               5:1.0 30:2.5 17:1.5 25:.5  39:2.5 35:1.0 40:3.0
34 TAS  7 (Novice),                      18:2.0 29:2.0 27:2.0 17:1.5 22:1.0 26:1.0 36:2.0
35 Rangeville SS  3 (Novice),            24:2.0 37:2.0  6:.5  23:1.5 38:2.0 33:3.0 13:.5 
36 TAS  10 (Novice),                     28:2.5  3:.5  26:1.5 37:2.5 18:1.5 29:1.0 34:2.0
37 Withcott SS  2 (Novice),              29:2.0 35:2.0 21:.5  36:1.5 27:2.5 23:1.5 30:1.5
38 Fairview Heights SS  2 (N,            40:2.0 16:.5  32:1.0 30:2.5 35:2.0 27:1.0 39:1.0
39 TAS  9 (Novice),                       7:0.0 21:0.0 20:1.0 40:2.0 33:1.5 30:1.5 38:3.0
40 TAS  8 (Novice),                      38:2.0  9:0.0 13:1.0 39:2.0 30:2.0 32:1.0 33:1.0
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com
2019 Toowoomba District Primary Invitational and Secondary Individual Tournament

2019 Toowoomba District Primary Invitational and Secondary Individual Tournament

This weekend we held the 2019 Toowoomba District Primary Invitational and Secondary Individual Chess Championships.

We had a record number of students attend with 149 competing … an increase of 30% from last year. This is the largest group ever for these tournaments to date.

Students came from as far out as Miles and the Lockyer Valley to compete in these annual mid-year events with approximately 30 different schools being represented from Toowoomba and surrounding areas.

There were two divisions in this tournament hosted and run by the Toowoomba Chess Club – Primary Invitational Division and Secondary Division.

The Prize Winners

Toowoomba Grammar School students won both events. Flynn Taylor in the Secondary Division with a final score of 6.5 out of 7. Theo Yevdokimov won the Primary Division getting a perfect score of 7 out of 7.

For a full list of final standings for the Primary Division click here.

For a full list of final standings for the Secondary Division click here.

A big thank you goes out to The Toowoomba Grammar School for hosting our event and also to Leroy Palmer Consulting Engineers for sponsoring the trophies our kids can put in pride of place at home.

A special mention also to Designer Cakes Toowoomba for donating some amazing looking chess themed cupcakes to sell in the canteen.

Lastly I’d like to thank all of the volunteers who helped make this event a success … those who helped to set up and pull down, those in the canteen and our valued chess people who ran the tournament and helped the students with their issues throughout the tournament.

Our next school tournament will be the 2019 Toowoomba District Secondary School Teams Chess Championship being held in late July 2019.

2019 Toowoomba District Primary School Individual Chess Championship

2019 Toowoomba District Primary School Individual Chess Championship

On Tuesday 5th of March the annual Toowoomba District Primary School Individual Chess Championship was held at Highlands Christian College.

This is the first year it has been run with two divisions due to the growth and expansion of the event. We had 104 students in the Novice Division and 278 in the Open Division coming from 30 different schools around the district including some homeschooling students.

The Open Division ( Year 4 to Year 6 ) winner ( Theo Yevdokimov ) and the Novice Division  ( Year 1 to Year 3 ) winner ( Iskcon Ggyawali ) were both the top-seeds for their specific events; with both of them scoring a perfect 8 out of 8 .

The participating schools came from all around the district including Glen Aplin, Allora, Ramsay, Vale View, Wyreema, Highfields, Withcott, plus many of the local Toowoomba schools.

A special thanks to Highlands Christian College for hosting the event in their impressive multi-purpose centre.

Tournament Winners


The prize winners pictured above are as follows :

Open Division

  • First – Theo Yevdokimov
  • Second – Ananthu Dinkar
  • Third – Alex Laird
  • Best Year 6 – Thomas Gaffney
  • Best Year 5 – Peter Barac
  • Best Year 4 – Oliver Kelk
  • Outstanding Male Achievement Award – Erik Sheppard
  • Outstanding Female Achievement Award – Bailey Crisp

Novice Division

  • First – Iskcon Gyawali
  • Second – Noah Alchin
  • Third – Lewis Lamble
  • Best Year 3 – Johnathan Ooi
  • Best Year 2 – Dexter Vaughan
  • Best Year 1 – Ruth Rayward
  • Outstanding Male Achievement Award – Darcy Walker
  • Outstanding Female Achievement Award – Miu Miu Zhang

The next major primary school chess tournament on the calendar will be held in Term 3 on the 27 August 2019. It will be the Teams chess championship when we are expecting 500 plus students to participate from around the Toowoomba District. This is the premier event for the year in the primary school division.

You can find out the dates of our other school chess tournaments in Toowoomba here.