2019 Toowoomba District Primary School Teams Chess Championship

27 August 2019

Toowoomba Christian College, Highfields

Thank You For Participating!

See results below.

Results for Open Division


No Name                       Result   Name                      

 1  St Marys College  1       0.0:4.0   TGS  1                   
 2  TAS  1                    3.0:1.0   TGS  2                   
 3  Homeschoolers  1          1.0:3.0   Toowoomba East SS  1     
 4  TCC  1                    3.0:1.0   CLC Hume St  1           
 5  Ramsay SS  1              2.0:2.0   Mater Dei  1             
 6  St Marys College  2       1.5:2.5   TGS  4                   
 7  St Saviours  1            2.0:2.0   Rangeville SS  1         
 8  Glennie School Junior  1  2.5:1.5   Fairholme College  3     
 9  Middle Ridge SS  1        2.5:1.5   Highfields SS  3         
10  Withcott SS  1            1.0:3.0   Wilsonton SS  1          
11  Highfields SS  4          1.0:3.0   Highfields SS  1         
12  Middle Ridge SS  2        3.5:.5    TAS  2                   
13  TGS  3                    2.0:2.0   HCC  2                   
14  Rangeville SS  2          1.0:3.0   Glenvale Christian School
15  CLC Warwick St  1         2.0:2.0   Glenvale SS  3           
16  Helidon SS  1             2.0:2.0   Toowoomba East SS  3     
17  Middle Ridge SS  4        2.0:2.0   Fairholme College  2     
18  Highfields SS  2          0.0:4.0   HCC  1                   
19  Glenvale SS  1            2.5:1.5   Mater Dei  2             
20  Withcott SS  2            2.0:2.0   Rangeville SS  3         
21  Vale View SS  2           2.0:2.0   Toowoomba East SS  2     
22  Fairholme College  1      2.0:2.0   TGS  5                   
23  Harristown SS  1          2.5:1.5   Wilsonton SS  2          
24  Glennie School Junior  2  1.5:2.5   MMCC  1                  
25  TGS  7                    2.0:2.0   TGS  6                   
26  TCC  2                    2.0:2.0   Rangeville SS  4         
27  Glenvale SS  4            2.0:2.0   Ramsay SS  2             
28  Highfields SS  5          2.0:2.0   Ramsay SS  4             
29  TCC  3                    1.5:2.5   TCC  5                   
30  Glenvale SS  2            3.0:1.0   Our Lady of Lourdes  1   
31  Vale View SS  1            .5:3.5   Glennie School Junior  3 
32  Kingsthorpe SS  1         2.0:2.0   Middle Ridge SS  3       
33  Highfields SS  6          2.5:1.5   MMCC  2                  
34  Ramsay SS  3              1.5:2.5   CLC Hume St  2           
35  Vale View SS  3           2.0:2.0   TGS  9                   
36  Mater Dei  3              1.0:3.0   Wilsonton SS  3          
37  St Saviours  2            3.0:1.0   Fairview Heights  1      
38  Vale View SS  4           4.0:0.0   Fairholme College  4     
39  Wilsonton SS  4           1.0:3.0   TGS  8                   
40  TCC  4                    1.5:2.5   Fairholme College  5     


Place Name                        Feder Rtg Score

  1   TGS  1,                               24   
  2   TAS  1,                               23   
  3   Toowoomba East SS  1,                 20   
  4   TCC  1,                               19   
  5   St Marys College  1,                  18.5 
  6   TGS  4,                               18   
7-12  Ramsay SS  1,                         17.5 
      Middle Ridge SS  1,                   17.5 
      Glennie School Junior  1,             17.5 
      Middle Ridge SS  2,                   17.5 
      Mater Dei  1,                         17.5 
      Wilsonton SS  1,                      17.5 
13-18 TGS  2,                               17   
      Highfields SS  1,                     17   
      Homeschoolers  1,                     17   
      Rangeville SS  1,                     17   
      St Saviours  1,                       17   
      St Marys College  2,                  17   
19-21 CLC Hume St  1,                       16.5 
      Glenvale Christian School,            16.5 
      HCC  1,                               16.5 
22-23 Highfields SS  3,                     16   
      Fairholme College  3,                 16   
24-26 Withcott SS  1,                       15.5 
      HCC  2,                               15.5 
      TGS  3,                               15.5 
27-30 Glenvale SS  3,                       15   
      CLC Warwick St  1,                    15   
      Toowoomba East SS  3,                 15   
      Highfields SS  4,                     15   
31-35 Glenvale SS  1,                       14.5 
      Fairholme College  2,                 14.5 
      Rangeville SS  2,                     14.5 
      Middle Ridge SS  4,                   14.5 
      Helidon SS  1,                        14.5 
36-42 TAS  2,                               14   
      Rangeville SS  3,                     14   
      Vale View SS  2,                      14   
      MMCC  1,                              14   
      Harristown SS  1,                     14   
      Withcott SS  2,                       14   
      Toowoomba East SS  2,                 14   
43-46 Fairholme College  1,                 13.5 
      TGS  5,                               13.5 
      Mater Dei  2,                         13.5 
      Glennie School Junior  3,             13.5 
47-54 Wilsonton SS  2,                      13   
      Glennie School Junior  2,             13   
      Glenvale SS  2,                       13   
      TGS  6,                               13   
      TGS  7,                               13   
      TCC  2,                               13   
      Rangeville SS  4,                     13   
      TCC  5,                               13   
55-59 Highfields SS  2,                     12.5 
      Ramsay SS  2,                         12.5 
      Highfields SS  5,                     12.5 
      Glenvale SS  4,                       12.5 
      Ramsay SS  4,                         12.5 
60-62 Highfields SS  6,                     12   
      CLC Hume St  2,                       12   
      Middle Ridge SS  3,                   12   
63-65 TCC  3,                               11.5 
      Kingsthorpe SS  1,                    11.5 
      Vale View SS  4,                      11.5 
66-70 Wilsonton SS  3,                      11   
      Ramsay SS  3,                         11   
      Our Lady of Lourdes  1,               11   
      St Saviours  2,                       11   
      MMCC  2,                              11   
71-73 TGS  9,                               10.5 
      Vale View SS  1,                      10.5 
      Vale View SS  3,                      10.5 
 74   TGS  8,                               10   
 75   Mater Dei  3,                         9.5  
 76   Fairview Heights  1,                  9    
 77   TCC  4,                               8.5  
 78   Fairholme College  4,                 7.5  
79-80 Wilsonton SS  4,                      7    
      Fairholme College  5,                 7    
 81   MMCC  3,                              4    

Cross Table

No Name                        Feder Rtg  1      2      3      4      5      6      7    

1  TGS  1,                               54:4.0 32:3.0 14:3.0 19:3.0 13:4.0  2:3.0  5:4.0
2  TAS  1,                               20:4.0 77:4.0  7:4.0  5:3.5  3:3.5  1:1.0 13:3.0
3  Toowoomba East SS  1,                 37:4.0 17:3.0 63:4.0 13:2.5  2:.5  24:3.0 15:3.0
4  TCC  1,                               50:4.0 71:3.0  5:0.0 27:3.0 45:3.0 10:3.0 19:3.0
5  St Marys College  1,                  25:3.0 24:4.0  4:4.0  2:.5   8:3.5  7:3.5  1:0.0
6  TGS  4,                               62:4.0  7:0.0 77:4.0 50:3.0 14:2.0 12:2.5 18:2.5
7  Ramsay SS  1,                         56:4.0  6:4.0  2:0.0 17:3.0 28:4.0  5:.5  11:2.0
8  Middle Ridge SS  1,                   16:2.0 78:4.0 10:2.5 11:3.0  5:.5  27:3.0 22:2.5
9  Glennie School Junior  1,             79:4.0 10:2.0 31:2.0 16:1.5 21:2.5 29:3.0 23:2.5
10 Middle Ridge SS  2,                   42:4.0  9:2.0  8:1.5 44:2.5 34:3.0  4:1.0 36:3.5
11 Mater Dei  1,                         74:3.0 58:3.5 15:2.0  8:1.0 22:2.0 43:4.0  7:2.0
12 Wilsonton SS  1,                      60:3.5 44:2.5 18:2.0 28:1.0 38:4.0  6:1.5 24:3.0
13 TGS  2,                               43:2.5 69:4.0 26:4.0  3:1.5  1:0.0 31:4.0  2:1.0
14 Highfields SS  1,                     22:3.5 23:3.5  1:1.0 31:3.0  6:2.0 15:1.0 30:3.0
15 Homeschoolers  1,                     61:3.0 47:3.0 11:2.0 45:2.0 25:3.0 14:3.0  3:1.0
16 Rangeville SS  1,                      8:2.0 36:3.0 64:3.0  9:2.5 24:1.5 55:3.0 17:2.0
17 St Saviours  1,                       80:4.0  3:1.0 32:3.0  7:1.0 36:2.0 56:4.0 16:2.0
18 St Marys College  2,                  52:3.0 35:3.0 12:2.0 43:1.5 47:4.0 19:2.0  6:1.5
19 CLC Hume St  1,                       49:4.0 26:2.5 55:3.0  1:1.0 43:3.0 18:2.0  4:1.0
20 Glenvale Christian School,             2:0.0 68:3.0 69:4.0 22:1.5 48:3.0 28:2.0 33:3.0
21 HCC  1,                               67:2.5 31:.5  49:4.0 48:2.5  9:1.5 36:1.5 55:4.0
22 Highfields SS  3,                     14:.5  59:4.0 29:2.5 20:2.5 11:2.0 32:3.0  8:1.5
23 Fairholme College  3,                 59:3.5 14:.5  33:1.5 53:3.0 44:2.0 54:4.0  9:1.5
24 Withcott SS  1,                       27:3.0  5:0.0 61:4.0 63:4.0 16:2.5  3:1.0 12:1.0
25 HCC  2,                                5:1.0 27:1.0 76:4.0 64:4.0 15:1.0 34:2.5 26:2.0
26 TGS  3,                               68:4.0 19:1.5 13:0.0 66:3.0 33:2.0 44:3.0 25:2.0
27 Glenvale SS  3,                       24:1.0 25:3.0 35:3.0  4:1.0 52:4.0  8:1.0 28:2.0
28 CLC Warwick St  1,                    53:3.5 48:2.5 45:2.0 12:3.0  7:0.0 20:2.0 27:2.0
29 Toowoomba East SS  3,                 40:2.5 39:2.0 22:1.5 30:2.0 57:4.0  9:1.0 35:2.0
30 Highfields SS  4,                     36:2.0 38:2.0 51:2.0 29:2.0 37:3.0 45:3.0 14:1.0
31 Glenvale SS  1,                       55:2.5 21:3.5  9:2.0 14:1.0 56:3.0 13:0.0 45:2.5
32 Fairholme College  2,                 57:4.0  1:1.0 17:1.0 51:2.0 58:3.5 22:1.0 34:2.0
33 Rangeville SS  2,                     34:1.0 75:3.0 23:2.5 55:2.0 26:2.0 51:3.0 20:1.0
34 Middle Ridge SS  4,                   33:3.0 63:0.0 46:3.0 71:4.0 10:1.0 25:1.5 32:2.0
35 Helidon SS  1,                        72:3.0 18:1.0 27:1.0 37:1.0 71:4.0 39:2.5 29:2.0
36 TAS  2,                               30:2.0 16:1.0 60:3.0 62:3.0 17:2.0 21:2.5 10:.5 
37 Rangeville SS  3,                      3:0.0 57:2.0 78:3.0 35:3.0 30:1.0 49:3.0 41:2.0
38 Vale View SS  2,                      45:2.0 30:2.0 47:1.0 60:4.0 12:0.0 63:3.0 42:2.0
39 MMCC  1,                              66:2.5 29:2.0 52:2.0 47:1.5 51:2.0 35:1.5 48:2.5
40 Harristown SS  1,                     29:1.5 43:.5  74:3.0 57:1.5 53:2.0 67:3.0 47:2.5
41 Withcott SS  2,                       44:.5  60:1.0 67:2.0 78:3.5 49:2.0 46:3.0 37:2.0
42 Toowoomba East SS  2,                 10:0.0 49:1.0 79:2.0 74:3.5 66:3.0 50:2.5 38:2.0
43 Fairholme College  1,                 13:1.5 40:3.5 71:3.0 18:2.5 19:1.0 11:0.0 44:2.0
44 TGS  5,                               41:3.5 12:1.5 48:2.0 10:1.5 23:2.0 26:1.0 43:2.0
45 Mater Dei  2,                         38:2.0 76:4.0 28:2.0 15:2.0  4:1.0 30:1.0 31:1.5
46 Glennie School Junior  3,             58:1.0 66:2.0 34:1.0 70:2.0 73:3.0 41:1.0 72:3.5
47 Wilsonton SS  2,                      70:3.0 15:1.0 38:3.0 39:2.5 18:0.0 48:2.0 40:1.5
48 Glennie School Junior  2,             73:3.5 28:1.5 44:2.0 21:1.5 20:1.0 47:2.0 39:1.5
49 Glenvale SS  2,                       19:0.0 42:3.0 21:0.0 65:4.0 41:2.0 37:1.0 68:3.0
50 TGS  6,                                4:0.0 80:4.0 58:3.5  6:1.0 55:1.0 42:1.5 51:2.0
51 TGS  7,                               69:1.0 74:3.0 30:2.0 32:2.0 39:2.0 33:1.0 50:2.0
52 TCC  2,                               18:1.0 72:3.5 39:2.0 56:1.0 27:0.0 66:3.5 53:2.0
53 Rangeville SS  4,                     28:.5  73:3.0 66:2.0 23:1.0 40:2.0 70:2.5 52:2.0
54 TCC  5,                                1:0.0 56:1.5 68:3.0 73:3.0 62:3.0 23:0.0 63:2.5
55 Highfields SS  2,                     31:1.5 67:4.0 19:1.0 33:2.0 50:3.0 16:1.0 21:0.0
56 Ramsay SS  2,                          7:0.0 54:2.5 65:4.0 52:3.0 31:1.0 17:0.0 58:2.0
57 Highfields SS  5,                     32:0.0 37:2.0 75:3.5 40:2.5 29:0.0 64:2.5 59:2.0
58 Glenvale SS  4,                       46:3.0 11:.5  50:.5  77:4.0 32:.5  59:2.0 56:2.0
59 Ramsay SS  4,                         23:.5  22:0.0 80:3.0 67:1.0 79:4.0 58:2.0 57:2.0
60 Highfields SS  6,                     12:.5  41:3.0 36:1.0 38:0.0 61:2.5 76:2.5 70:2.5
61 CLC Hume St  2,                       15:1.0 70:2.0 24:0.0 69:2.0 60:1.5 78:3.0 67:2.5
62 Middle Ridge SS  3,                    6:0.0 79:3.0 70:3.0 36:1.0 54:1.0 72:2.0 64:2.0
63 TCC  3,                               75:3.0 34:4.0  3:0.0 24:0.0 67:2.0 38:1.0 54:1.5
64 Kingsthorpe SS  1,                    78:2.0 65:3.0 16:1.0 25:0.0 70:2.0 57:1.5 62:2.0
65 Vale View SS  4,                      76:2.0 64:1.0 56:0.0 49:0.0 80:3.0 71:1.5 78:4.0
66 Wilsonton SS  3,                      39:1.5 46:2.0 53:2.0 26:1.0 42:1.0 52:.5  75:3.0
67 Ramsay SS  3,                         21:1.5 55:0.0 41:2.0 59:3.0 63:2.0 40:1.0 61:1.5
68 Our Lady of Lourdes  1,               26:0.0 20:1.0 54:1.0 80:3.5 72:1.5 69:3.0 49:1.0
69 St Saviours  2,                       51:3.0 13:0.0 20:0.0 61:2.0 75:2.0 68:1.0 76:3.0
70 MMCC  2,                              47:1.0 61:2.0 62:1.0 46:2.0 64:2.0 53:1.5 60:1.5
71 TGS  9,                                0:4.0  4:1.0 43:1.0 34:0.0 35:0.0 65:2.5 73:2.0
72 Vale View SS  1,                      35:1.0 52:.5  73:1.0 79:3.0 68:2.5 62:2.0 46:.5 
73 Vale View SS  3,                      48:.5  53:1.0 72:3.0 54:1.0 46:1.0 75:2.0 71:2.0
74 TGS  8,                               11:1.0 51:1.0 40:1.0 42:.5  78:1.0 77:2.5 79:3.0
75 Mater Dei  3,                         63:1.0 33:1.0 57:.5  76:2.0 69:2.0 73:2.0 66:1.0
76 Fairview Heights  1,                  65:2.0 45:0.0 25:0.0 75:2.0 77:2.5 60:1.5 69:1.0
77 TCC  4,                               81:+    2:0.0  6:0.0 58:0.0 76:1.5 74:1.5 80:1.5
78 Fairholme College  4,                 64:2.0  8:0.0 37:1.0 41:.5  74:3.0 61:1.0 65:0.0
79 Wilsonton SS  4,                       9:0.0 62:1.0 42:2.0 72:1.0 59:0.0 80:2.0 74:1.0
80 Fairholme College  5,                 17:0.0 50:0.0 59:1.0 68:.5  65:1.0 79:2.0 77:2.5
81 MMCC  3,                              77:-    0:4.0  0:     0:     0:     0:     0:   
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com

Results for Novice Division


No Name                         Result   Name                       

 1 TGS  4 (Novice),             1.0:3.0  TAS  1 (Novice),           
 2 Rangeville SS  1 (Novice),    .5:3.5  HCC  2 (Novice),           
 3 TGS  1 (Novice),             3.0:1.0  Ramsay SS  1 (Novice),     
 4 TAS  2 (Novice),             3.0:1.0  Toowoomba East SS  1 (Nov, 
 5 St Saviours Primary  1 (N,   1.0:3.0  Glenvale SS  1 (Novice),   
 6 Rangeville SS  2 (Novice),   2.5:1.5  TCC  1 (Novice),           
 7 Fairholme College  1 (Nov,   3.0:1.0  TGS  3 (Novice),           
 8 Glen Aplin SS  1 (Novice),   3.0:1.0  TGS  2 (Novice),           
 9 Glenvale SS  2 (Novice),     1.0:3.0  Mater Dei  1 (Novice),     
10 Fairholme College  2 (Nov,   3.0:1.0  HCC  3 (Novice),           
11 HCC  1 (Novice),             3.0:1.0  Toowoomba East SS  2 (Nov, 
12 Fairview Heights SS  1 (N,   3.0:1.0  TAS  3 (Novice),           
13 Rangeville SS  3 (Novice),    .5:3.5  Glennie 1 (Novice),        
14 Wilsonton  SS  1 (Novice),   2.0:2.0  Toowoomba East SS  3 (Nov, 
15 TAS  5 (Novice),             2.5:1.5  TAS  6 (Novice),           
16 Glennie 2 (Novice),          1.5:2.5  TAS  4 (Novice),           
17 TCC  2 (Novice),             2.5:1.5  Withcott SS  2 (Novice),   
18 TAS  7 (Novice),             2.0:2.0  TAS  10 (Novice),          
19 TAS  8 (Novice),             1.0:3.0  Withcott SS  1 (Novice),   
20 TAS  9 (Novice),             3.0:1.0  Fairview Heights SS  2 (N, 


Place Name                       Score

 1-2   HCC  2 (Novice)           21.5 
       TAS  1 (Novice)           21.5 
  3    TGS  1 (Novice)           19.5 
 4-5   Glenvale SS  1 (Novice)   16.5 
       TAS  2 (Novice)           16.5 
  6    Ramsay SS  1 (Novice)     16   
7-11   Glen Aplin SS  1 (Novice) 15.5 
       Mater Dei  1 (Novice)     15.5 
       Rangeville SS  2 (Novice) 15.5 
       TGS  4 (Novice)           15.5 
       Fairholme College  1 (Nov 15.5 
12-13  Fairholme College  2 (Nov 15   
       Glennie 1 (Novice)        15   
14-18  Rangeville SS  1 (Novice) 14.5 
       HCC  1 (Novice)           14.5 
       TCC  1 (Novice)           14.5 
       Toowoomba East SS  1 (Nov 14.5 
       Fairview Heights SS  1 (N 14.5 
19-20  TGS  3 (Novice)           14   
       St Saviours Primary  1 (N 14   
21-23  TGS  2 (Novice)           13.5 
       Glenvale SS  2 (Novice)   13.5 
       TAS  5 (Novice)           13.5 
24-28  Toowoomba East SS  2 (Nov 13   
       TAS  4 (Novice)           13   
       HCC  3 (Novice)           13   
       Toowoomba East SS  3 (Nov 13   
       Wilsonton  SS  1 (Novice) 13   
29-30  TAS  3 (Novice)           12.5 
       TCC  2 (Novice)           12.5 
31-33  Glennie 2 (Novice)        12   
       TAS  6 (Novice)           12   
       Withcott SS  1 (Novice)   12   
34-37  TAS  7 (Novice)           11.5 
       Rangeville SS  3 (Novice) 11.5 
       TAS  10 (Novice)          11.5 
       Withcott SS  2 (Novice)   11.5 
 38    Fairview Heights SS  2 (N 10   
39-40  TAS  9 (Novice)           9    
       TAS  8 (Novice)           9    

Cross Table

No Name                        Feder Rtg  1      2      3      4      5      6      7    

1  HCC  2 (Novice),                      21:4.0  7:3.5  2:2.5  3:2.0  5:3.5  6:2.5 14:3.5
2  TAS  1 (Novice),                      25:3.5  6:3.0  1:1.5 15:4.0  3:2.5  9:4.0 10:3.0
3  TGS  1 (Novice),                      15:2.5 36:3.5  9:3.5  1:2.0  2:1.5  7:3.5  6:3.0
4  Glenvale SS  1 (Novice),              16:2.0 17:2.5  8:2.0 11:2.5 19:3.0 10:1.5 20:3.0
5  TAS  2 (Novice),                      33:3.0 22:2.5 19:2.5  6:2.5  1:.5  21:2.5 17:3.0
6  Ramsay SS  1 (Novice),                13:3.5  2:1.0 35:3.5  5:1.5 24:4.0  1:1.5  3:1.0
7  Glen Aplin SS  1 (Novice),            39:4.0  1:.5  14:2.0  8:2.0 25:3.5  3:.5  21:3.0
8  Mater Dei  1 (Novice),                10:3.0 19:1.5  4:2.0  7:2.0 11:2.0 12:2.0 22:3.0
9  Rangeville SS  2 (Novice),            17:2.0 40:4.0  3:.5  29:3.5 21:3.0  2:0.0 16:2.5
10 TGS  4 (Novice),                       8:1.0 20:3.0 29:2.0 27:3.5 16:2.5  4:2.5  2:1.0
11 Fairholme College  1 (Nov,            23:3.0 14:2.0 24:2.0  4:1.5  8:2.0 22:2.0 19:3.0
12 Fairholme College  2 (Nov,            32:2.5 27:3.0 16:2.0 21:1.5 14:1.0  8:2.0 26:3.0
13 Glennie 1 (Novice),                    6:.5  25:2.0 40:3.0 26:2.5 20:1.0 31:2.5 35:3.5
14 Rangeville SS  1 (Novice),            31:3.0 11:2.0  7:2.0 19:2.0 12:3.0 17:2.0  1:.5 
15 HCC  1 (Novice),                       3:1.5 32:3.0 22:3.0  2:0.0 26:2.0 18:2.0 24:3.0
16 TCC  1 (Novice),                       4:2.0 38:3.5 12:2.0 24:2.0 10:1.5 20:2.0  9:1.5
17 Toowoomba East SS  1 (Nov,             9:2.0  4:1.5 33:2.5 34:2.5 31:3.0 14:2.0  5:1.0
18 Fairview Heights SS  1 (N,            34:2.0 24:.5  23:2.5 28:2.0 36:2.5 15:2.0 29:3.0
19 TGS  3 (Novice),                      26:3.0  8:2.5  5:1.5 14:2.0  4:1.0 28:3.0 11:1.0
20 St Saviours Primary  1 (N,            27:1.0 10:1.0 39:3.0 32:3.0 13:3.0 16:2.0  4:1.0
21 TGS  2 (Novice),                       1:0.0 39:4.0 37:3.5 12:2.5  9:1.0  5:1.5  7:1.0
22 Glenvale SS  2 (Novice),              30:3.0  5:1.5 15:1.0 31:2.0 34:3.0 11:2.0  8:1.0
23 TAS  5 (Novice),                      11:1.0 31:1.5 18:1.5 35:2.5 29:2.0 37:2.5 32:2.5
24 Toowoomba East SS  2 (Nov,            35:2.0 18:3.5 11:2.0 16:2.0  6:0.0 25:2.5 15:1.0
25 TAS  4 (Novice),                       2:.5  13:2.0 30:2.5 33:3.5  7:.5  24:1.5 31:2.5
26 HCC  3 (Novice),                      19:1.0 28:2.0 36:2.5 13:1.5 15:2.0 34:3.0 12:1.0
27 Toowoomba East SS  3 (Nov,            20:3.0 12:1.0 34:2.0 10:.5  37:1.5 38:3.0 28:2.0
28 Wilsonton  SS  1 (Novice),            36:1.5 26:2.0 31:1.5 18:2.0 32:3.0 19:1.0 27:2.0
29 TAS  3 (Novice),                      37:2.0 34:2.0 10:2.0  9:.5  23:2.0 36:3.0 18:1.0
30 TCC  2 (Novice),                      22:1.0 33:1.5 25:1.5 38:1.5 40:2.0 39:2.5 37:2.5
31 Glennie 2 (Novice),                   14:1.0 23:2.5 28:2.5 22:2.0 17:1.0 13:1.5 25:1.5
32 TAS  6 (Novice),                      12:1.5 15:1.0 38:3.0 20:1.0 28:1.0 40:3.0 23:1.5
33 Withcott SS  1 (Novice),               5:1.0 30:2.5 17:1.5 25:.5  39:2.5 35:1.0 40:3.0
34 TAS  7 (Novice),                      18:2.0 29:2.0 27:2.0 17:1.5 22:1.0 26:1.0 36:2.0
35 Rangeville SS  3 (Novice),            24:2.0 37:2.0  6:.5  23:1.5 38:2.0 33:3.0 13:.5 
36 TAS  10 (Novice),                     28:2.5  3:.5  26:1.5 37:2.5 18:1.5 29:1.0 34:2.0
37 Withcott SS  2 (Novice),              29:2.0 35:2.0 21:.5  36:1.5 27:2.5 23:1.5 30:1.5
38 Fairview Heights SS  2 (N,            40:2.0 16:.5  32:1.0 30:2.5 35:2.0 27:1.0 39:1.0
39 TAS  9 (Novice),                       7:0.0 21:0.0 20:1.0 40:2.0 33:1.5 30:1.5 38:3.0
40 TAS  8 (Novice),                      38:2.0  9:0.0 13:1.0 39:2.0 30:2.0 32:1.0 33:1.0
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com